
positive pointing #14

I'm thankful for buses. I took two buses home from school today to check how long the route would take. For some reason the 20 extra minutes that it added to my daily trip didn't bother me. Somewhere between the wonderfully freezing air hitting my face and the textured old men that sat around the front of the bus swapping stories and cigarettes, it hit me. I love the bus. I realized I really miss those crazy old men, the young girls with babies on their hips, the kid with ipod jammed in his ears staring out the windowand the woman carrying an impossible amount of groceries and personal possessions while manuevering a stroller and nursing her infant.

1 comment:

Sienna said...

"Somewhere between the wonderfully freezing air hitting my face and the textured old men that sat around the front of the bus swapping stories and cigarettes, it hit me."

yes yes yes. I know it exactly and love it for all the same reasons. makes me so content... enjoyed this.