
positive pointing #8

I'm thankful that i get to date an artist man.
Sometimes I forget, because there are so many aspects of our lives that are incredibly different, that there is a huge area of our lives that we get to share and enjoy. God could have planned it so I fell madly in love with an accountant who always wore stiff grey suits and picked up only mechanical pencils and never paint brushes. But He didn't. He gave me Eric. Today I got to accompany him to one of his studios at school so he could finish up some homework he had for his printmaking class. Something about the smell of art supplies, dirty table tops, bins and cupboards full of odd materials and dozens of "do not touch this!" signs written in angry sharpie makes me feel at home. Spending quiet time with Eric, making prints together or just sharing bits of our little collected knowledge about art, in the midst of all that kinda made my heart sing a little bit.


Damien said...

i too love the smell of art supplies.

linnea said...

I am just beginning to understand this whole world of art school. It's all really fascinating!

chalice said...

kyrie these pictures make my heart happy:)