
Detox Time: Days 6-10 and beyond

After day 5 of the detox, things started to repeat themselves. I woke up with a sharp headache, loaded up my lunchbox with dinner I'd made the night before (novel), got on the morning bus bleary eyed and yawning, greeted my coworkers with watering, tired eyes and slowly climbed into the day as it unfolded. Slowly, I might add. By 3:00 I was ready to take on the world. This is not how the office operates unfortunately and so I felt very disconnected from the pace of things.

I got much better sleep, however, because I was beyond exhausted by 9:00. I took much better care of myself (and my wallet!) in terms of food: everything home made, nothing but stuff from the produce section, and lots of prepared meals so no strange, whatever-I-see-first-in-the-fridge meals.

Now that it's finished I'm happily accepting coffee back into my life but no more than 1 cup a day. Ever. I feel a noticeable difference after the two slices of pizza I had today at work. Such an uncomfortable, heavy feeling in my stomach. Even if I was not (at all) energized by the detox, it did make me feel clean and light. Honestly, I felt like I weighed 10 pounds total. I was shriveling up by the day. Like kernal popping in reverse. How's that for an analogy.

How have I changed? I miss preparing my meals but I haven't gotten back into it. However, I did get lots of kale, apples and almonds for snacks this week and I drink more water now. I still have gluten-free oats and strawberries for breakfast and bought a blender last weekend for spinach and fruit smoothies in the morning. These small changes are nice to see. It's invigorating to see myself grow and change and become different, even in small ways. It means I am continuing to learn and adapt. And right about now in my life, I need that.

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