
positive pointing #33: untraditional!

I'm am thankful for glorious color and outrageous ideas that enable "normal" to reinvent itself.

A rich lime green + white accents + a paper mache peacock + polka dot shower curtain + a blooming, striped trashcan. suddenly, the normal isn't normal anymore. It's not just a bathroom. It's the three dimensional equivalent to I-just-discovered-this-song-and-i-can't-get-enough-of-it. It's a tad of of the excitement you feel at the arrival gate of an airport, a tiny splash of christmas morning anticipation, a little of the happiness you get from mom-made blueberry pancakes on saturday morning and the pressing feeling that there is a heaven and this is a tiny piece of it.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love how you write.
