
postive pointing #32: discovery

This poster is for a favorite band of mine, Boister. (I did not design it but I'd like to know who did!) I keep a running file of surprising, inspiring design ideas on my laptop desktop for moments of creative dryness.I found and snagged this from the internet because I was struck by all the designs rules it seems to break. breaking rules is fun.

for example:

rule#32 mixing bright colors with pastels never works out well.

rule #27 a perfect row of circles isn't a good idea.

rule # 15 Lime green should never be used.

rule #64 all truly great designs have an incredibly minimal color palette.

I'm am so thankful when I am proven wrong in my design judgements,
cause it keeps me curious and invigorated.

such a wellspring of visual wonder out there. never ending.
keeps my booty dancin.


kate said...

truly your father's daughter. xomom

Damien said...

i takes a certain genius to break the rules skillfully. and there is that dimension of personal taste that influences our response to design, but basic universals are in place (i'm convinced). beauty and ugliness are not entirely subjective.