
once more to philadelphia

In comparison with Philly, Denver is like living in a meadow. 
nuff said. 

 boy rockin it out with a way-larger-than-life, bright yellow, tree frog at the base of the philly art museum.  incredibly entertaining!

my friend from moore, becky riley. we met up at Darling's cafe for a chat and some coffee before i headed back to westminster. when we went to school together we would grab a bowl of soup here between classes. very crazy feeling sitting right back down in those same chairs with my red-head friend.  she's is such a kindred spirit. wish i could take her with me on all my ventures!

funny thing: this little leaf never fell off my hood for the entire two and half hours that i was driving 65 miles an hour on highways and interstates. whhaat? i do not understand.


annie said...

frog + kid: fun-ny.

also, leaf: fun-ny.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, those frog suit photos are A-ma-zing. <3