
my cool school

where our bikes are parked. neat, right? SO safe.

one of a series a giant boots that were placed around the city to promote Moore. They're each designed by an alum of moore.

a constant runway show that plays in our lobby

the hallway that takes me to two of my classes.

color theory class with mike geno. that most discouraging and friendliest person you'll ever meet. strang combination. strange person. this class is six hours and we all usually lose our eyesight by the end because we're staring at/determining color for so long.

displayed in our lobby. inspired by, yes, the leaning tower of pisa. sort of stupid. sort of fun.

a personal favorite.

the display in our lobby. each piece shows a photo of the dress on the runway, the sketch of the dress and the work of art that inspired that dress. really neat.

eric's favorite. i think it's pretty hott too.


Kiko and/or Vincent said...


These were really cool. I've wanting to do something similar with where I work :)...you have inspired me to get on it.

I totally know what you are talking about regarding 'color'! You know how I used to complain about my all white office? Now that I stare at color so much, I actually like it being neutral in my office :). If I'm doing color work, I generally give myself a 4 hour limit...cuz after that I start seeing all browns :)

Sienna said...

ok so i'd like to have that gold dress please...christmas?

oh and can you plEASE design me a cool headborder thing like you keep doing for yours??? how are you doin those?

K. A. Ruth Bushaw said...

phtoshop:) but you can do them in paint.

kiko, i'd love! to see your place. and white is wonderful at the end of the day. i just stripped my white bullentin board of all the cards, post it notes, photos, envelopes, etc. and left up only two things. i need to breath!

annie said...

thanks for givin' us a peek into your giant little world!

i think the big shoe is kinda scary.

jonnie said...

I love those dresses!

Taryn Lamp said...

your school looks amazing. it looks like someplace i would love to just wander around and explore everything there is to be seen.
i'm so jealous of your independant, big city, artsy life. its so exciting that you get to do all these neat things.
and btw. i love that you read my blog and comment. love it.