
positive pointing #61: mama to 2 fluffballs for 5 days!

meet oliver & lucy. the two pups i'll be dedicating much of my time to over the next few days.

oliver likes to bark (preferably when eric and me are just drifting off to sleep.) and generally patrol the premises and thereby proving herself as good a guard dog as any! fluff or not!

lucy likes to cuddle. and MUCH to my delight, closely resembles an ewok from STAR WARS!

and i like having company during my long, coffee-sippin, breakfast-makin, music-listenin, mornings after eric heads off into that great great world (aka school or work)


positive pointing #60: he likes to draw

...pictures of people floating in the sky with ropes around their ankles.
what goes on in that head of his? spasms of fantastic & snippets of epic.


positive pointing #59: happy sunday

a hat-worthy morning
leaf accumulation on my windshield
& afternoon, homemade soup by me.

an all around soul-soothing sunday.

positive pointing #58:

snatched this quote from the book i'm currently reading

"We love men not because we like them,
nor because their ways appeal to us,
nor even because they possess some kind of divine spark
We love every man because God loves them."

-Martin Luther King