
#79 happy when i get to be carefree again

when your a design student you just don't get too much creative freedom.there's a whole lot of problem solving, aligning, balancing + calculated adjustments but not a lot of glue under my fingernails or snippets of paper littering the ground around me.(like in the old days when the dining room table was perpetually piled high with paper and magazines and buckets of art supplies.)

that's why i'm grateful whenever i can be creatively messy + free again.

i helped eric do the above project for an art eduation class he took last semester. he had to make a lesson plan + then produce the art that he would expect from his middle school student. so he lesson planned it and i promptly reverted back to being a 13 year old. btw, one of the perks of marriage is that you become one so if i do a portion of his project it's just like he did it. see, EVERYONE should get married. there's just all sorts of fantastic loop holes like this ;)

i actually threw this project away. i have a problem with getting rid of things. (i swear nothing stays in my house for more than sixth months.) but just had to photograph and share it with you.

happy tuesday evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there was a like option, I'd click it. :o)

Thanks for sharing your creative messiness!